Preview Tre Bicchieri 2021. The best wines of Sardinia

Sep 30 2020, 07:24 | by Gambero Rosso
We reveal a sneak preview of the wines awarded with the Tre Bicchieri recognition in our guide Vini d’Italia 2021. Today we focus on Sardinia.

The best wines of Sardinia

As we know, numbers leave no room for ambiguity. That's why it's important to start with them, to unpack the balance sheet for Sardinia in this new edition of Italian Wines. Of the 400 wines evaluated, 200 earned Due Bicchieri, 48 entered our final tastings and 15 took home our highest award. It's a record, one that, in light of the number of wines tasted, makes the region one of Italy's best for quality (at least in our opinion). It's an even more remarkable fact if you think that just over 10 years ago only a handful of Sardinian wines ever won Tre Bicchieri. Was it a great year then? No doubt there are many bright spots, though there are shadows as well. If one the one hand there's no doubt about the quality of Sardinia's wine, its adherence to the territory (by way of its cultivars) and, last but not least, the aging potential of certain wines, there's still much to be done in terms of marketing, communication and commercialization.

Typical varieties

Wine (we will never tire of saying) is a global game. Whether it's made by a small artisan producer, a large cooperative, or a historic private brand, wine is an ambassador for the territory. But the game can only be won through teamwork, collective efforts in name of the island, to be able to face international markets without fear or hesitation. And in this respect, there's still work to be done. Indeed, it's no coincidence that some appellations, especially those that span the entire region, are obsolete and do nothing to highlight the attributes of individual territories. But without the work of the protection consortia, which only really exist on paper, nothing will change. That said, let's enjoy this year's great result and focus on the Tre Bicchieri awarded, which summarize the quality of the whole island. From north to south, we find Cannonaus of great elegance and finesse, playing on aromatic complexity and great drinkability. Then there are its sapid and mineral Vermentinos, fruit of different terroirs, its pervasive, Mediterranean Carignanos and certain Bovales that are as structured as they are balanced. And finally there's Sardinia's great, immortal wine, Vernaccia di Oristano. This year 2 reached the peaks of excellence, Silvio Carta's Riserva '68 and the Contini's Antico Gregori '76.

  • Alghero Torbato Catore ’18 – Tenute Sella & Mosca
  • Cannonau di Sardegna Cl. Dule ’17 – Giuseppe Gabbas
  • Cannonau di Sardegna Mamuthone ’17 – Giuseppe Sedilesu
  • Cannonau di Sardegna Naniha ’18 – Tenute Perdarubia
  • Cannonau di Sardegna Nepente di Oliena Pro Vois Ris. ’15 – F.lli Puddu
  • Capichera V. T. ’17 – Capichera
  • Carignano del Sulcis 6 Mura Ris. ’17 – Cantina Giba
  • Carignano del Sulcis Sup. Terre Brune ’16 – Cantina Santadi
  • Nuracada Bovale ’18 – Audarya
  • Su’ Nico ’18 – Su Entu
  • Turriga ’16 – Argiolas
  • Vermentino di Gallura Sup. Sciala ’19 – Surrau
  • Vermentino di Sardegna Stellato ’19 – Pala
  • Vernaccia di Oristano Antico Gregori ’76 – Attilio Contini
  • Vernaccia di Oristano Ris. ’68 – Silvio Carta
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