Italian Food

Pasta forces join on the 2nd annual #CarbonaraDay

While Italy is split between team guanciale and team pancetta, Carbonara is without a doubt one of the world’s most loved dishes, reinterpreted according to the availability of local ingredients or traditions. Chefs are increasingly putting their own signature on...

15 Italian vegetarian dishes you may not know

It’s easy for Italians to comprehend and accept the vegetarian approach, much more than in traditionally meat-consuming cultures such as North America and the UK, for example. They rely heavily on native crops and nature’s cycles for their daily meals.

10 best Italian soups

As temperatures drop, Italians traditionally make soup. But there’s a universe beyond minestrone: in the realm of Italian soups the choice of lesser known traditional zuppeis, like much of the Bel Paese’s biodiversity, vast and varied.
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